Many people facing debt issues don’t realize that their rights are being violated and in fact are entitled to compensation as a result of Debt Collection Harassment and Abuse. At the Law Firm of Robert C. Gindel, Jr., we take an aggressive approach to ensure the rights of our clients are protected. Many people are shocked when we tell them that they are entitled to $ money $ even though they are in debt and facing a credit card or debt collection lawsuit.
In Florida, once a creditor or collector knows you are represented by a lawyer, they can no longer contact you. They cannot call you, email you, write you or in any way contact you to collect a debt. The Law Firm of Robert C. Gindel can be your lawyer and will immediately advise the creditor/collector to cease contacting you. This is the quickest and easiest way to get calls and mail to stop. If you want to working on getting the calls to stop, call us now so we can END THE HARASSMENT TODAY
The very first line of the Federal Harassment Law (the FDCPA) states:
“There is abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by many debt collectors”
Examples of what Abusive, Deceptive, and Unfair practices are:
And there are many more…. Call us to see if what you are experiencing is a violation of the law.
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